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Montessori Pedagogy

The Montessori pedagogy involves considering the impact of decisions and processes on children which includes overall well-being of social, emotional, physical and cognitive development. The impact of such kind of pedagogy is very meaningful for their growth and adaptability towards the course of action of their future endeavors.

There are various pillars involved in Montessori pedagogy. They are as follows : 

Respect for the child :

A major area of concern when it comes to respecting the child by considering overall aspects involving respecting children's space without interruption, always encourage them to think, to let them choose to find their way and act without any judgmental attitude to perform intuitively and intellectually. Often at times, while children do mistakes parents and Teachers disgrace them publicly which will show impact in their individuality and results in inferiority complex. An effective way to make them understand by role modelling. One should always consider the child's respect so that the child will reflect the same kind of attitude in his/her subsequent actions. In this way Montessori pedagogy inspire to evolve accordingly.

The Absorbent mind :

It is based on the children's surrounding. Child is an inate learner , all the time keep observing and absorbing.Montessori classrooms are prepared to help the child  unfold his urge to learn and satisfy their inside. When a child is in a different environment they observe and act accordingly. Basically, Montessori pedagogy suggests creating a filter in children's mind which encourages their thought process constantly to stay attentive on each and every action which ultimately grow their pondering skills as well.

Sensitive Periods :


Every child is unique in it's an own way of learning throughout the journey. This is considered as sensitive periods.  In Montessori pedagogy model, teachers must always consider the sensitivity towards the skills which children develop in their own pace. Some starts writing early and some takes time to learn and explore. In Montessori pedagogy, our aim is to give them the guidance and encourage every child to learn, think and act in their own space. The sensorial activities help them to refine their senses.


Prepared environment :


According to Montessori pedagogy, teachers are encouraged to form an environment where children could explore variety of tasks which will manifest their different kind of skills. The surrounding must be full of playful learning and child-centred, where children can develop an ability to observe, feel and also start pondering about various possibilities to do the tasks as per their own thought process.


Auto Education :


In Montessori pedagogy teachers are always there to encourage self learning of each and every child. And the art of self learning is very important aspect of all the age groups of children. Moreover, In Montessori model, teachers are always there to guide, inspire and motivate them to explore more individually which makes them more aware and informed.


Sensorial Learning :


The sensorial learning to invigorate the senses which includes — touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing. In Montessori pedagogy teachers actively work towards children's sensorial learning by providing them different practical experiences. While providing such environment, teachers always considers the adaptability towards the children sensitivity. Having said that creating an environment delivers fruitful impact in the growth of the children.

Role Modelling :

In Montessori pedagogy, we encourage by emulating the way an individual approach towards success, the way they react to opportunities and behave, create an accountable impact and extraordinary change in the personality. While encouraging the role modelling powerful tool, teachers guide the children as per their interest and always encourage them to seek the guidance from an admirable personality who have been dealing with the same field of interest and learn from them. This will inspire them to take intellectual steps towards their goals.


Following Child :


In the body of Montessori pedagogy, there are different kinds of activities which children have to perform. To perform the tasks effectively In Montessori pedagogy, Teachers create an environment where children can observe and then act by following the steps slowly and steadily.

Inspiring rather of Teaching :

Instead of setting of strict goal or action, Montessori teachers inspire children to perform the tasks or activity in every possible manner as per their ability. Inspiring the children to do different sort of activities makes them more active, informative, and they start exploring more themselves with immense pleasure. Moreover, slowly and steadily they develop interest in many various types of discipline as well.

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